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Travel to ancient Japan with this set of prints for kamishibai!

Set 15 sheets of the traditional Japanese tale Bunbuku Chagama


Title: Bunbuku Chagama

Author: Anonymous (Japanese oral tradition)

Illustrator: Cecilia Villacrés

Bilingual Edition English / Spanish
Size 44x30 sheets (market standard)
Compatible with most butai available on the market



This is the story of a very poor man named Jinbei who one afternoon helped a small raccoon escape from a trap, what he did not know was that this raccoon kept a secret that would change his life forever.


A story about honesty, friendship, and good deeds.

To share with children of all ages

Kamishibai Bunbuku Chagama Prints

SKU: 9789560914460
Sales Tax Included
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